• depression

    Dark Days Still Come

    For a long time, I thought I was healed from depression. That I’d overcome it for good and that it would never strike again. I was diagnosed with clinical depression…

  • Stronger, Not Easier

    My gym always has motivational quotes on the dry erase board. Today’s said, “It doesn’t get easier. We get stronger.” But the quote didn’t make me think about the number…

  • See Ya Later Hater

    Negative Nellys, Haters, Naysayers, Debbie Downers. They may have different names but they’ve got the same agenda. They exist to block your path and to bring you down. It’s quite…

  • movement meditation

    The Healing Power of Movement Meditation

    I recently had the privilege to share my story on The Spiritual Boss Babe podcast with Stephanie Bellinger. We had such an amazing chat about following your heart and pursing…