The Healing Power of Movement Meditation
I recently had the privilege to share my story on The Spiritual Boss Babe podcast with Stephanie Bellinger. We had such an amazing chat about following your heart and pursing your passions in life. We also discussed the healing power of hoop dance, movement meditation, and writing.
It was an honor to be on her show, and… I’ll be honest: I was pretty nervous about the interview ahead of time. I consider Stephanie to be a friend, and she’s also a former hoop dance student of mine. I felt confident that the conversation would flow well, but I was nervous about being so open about my book project.
I’m slowly building my confidence in this regard. It started with this blog and a few Instagram posts. However, branching into the spoken word, in podcast form, was new to me. And, yeah – the butterflies were flyin’ before our chat.

Once the conversation started flowing, my worries quickly diminished. Stephanie made it easy and natural. Her questions also enabled me to re-visit my company’s history and realize the thousands of peoples’ lives that I’ve had the opportunity to impact through hoop dance. This powerful movement meditation practice helped to transform my life and the lives of so many others, and that feels freaking amazing!
A profound sense of gratitude washed over me when she pointed that out.So, without further ado, I invite you listen in on our chat.
You can do so here.
Comment below and let me know what you think! Until next time…